Are You A Big Dreamer Or Small Dreamer?

“It’s best to dream big and have big goals so that you can have an unlimited ceiling in your life than to dream small and have small goals to where reach a limited ceiling in your life.” -Michael J. Fite

Keep this in mind when you find yourself trying to determine the size of your goals and dreams. To have a big dream or goal may be scary at first because you do not know how exactly you are going to get there, but it allows for you to have something to grow into, learn from, and help create new possibilities. When you choose to have a small dream or goal, you can only go so far and it can limit you from seeing your true potential in life.

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I have learned in my existence that people who dream big seem to be crazy to those who dream small. I have always been puzzled by that but the answer as to why that is so is very simple: small dreamers cannot envision what big dreamers can see until the big dreamers actually accomplish it.

As a kid, I was notorious for having big dreams and big goals for myself. Perhaps my two biggest goals and dreams were to be an investor and experience overseas living. Considering where I grew up and the fact that most of the people around me have never accomplished what I wanted to do, I was considered crazy for thinking such things. I could have been influence by the small dreamers around me, but I am thankful I kept them.

For both goals and dreams, it took some time, a lot of uncertainty, and full trust that everything would fall into place at the right time. I am happy to say that I have accomplished both of my big goals and dreams. I am also happy to say by accomplishing them, I am still pressing forward to achieve a lot more out of life. Here are three valuable lessons take away from this:

  • It shows that it is possible to accomplish big dreams and big goals as long as you believe and put work towards achieving them.
  • It shows that it is okay to not know how to accomplish them because when you put your dreams into the world, you will get the resources that you need as long as you can identify them and use them correctly.
  • Most importantly, achieving them gives you the energy and desire to go after bigger goals and dreams.

It is okay for you to go after bigger goals and bigger dreams, even if you do not know how you will get there. Fear of trying and failing coming from yourself or anyone else can stop you from going big and shooting for the stars. Learn to overcome that fear by trusting in your ability to learn how to get there, acquire and use the right resources, and trust in the process. Let’s remember that small dreamers reach a certain point and stop in life, but big dreamers keep on going and never stop in life.


Are you a big dreamer or a small dreamer?

-Michael J. Fite




I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

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