What Are Five Things You Must Need In Order To Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities For Infinite Possibility?

Image result for Marianne Williamson the opportunities for infinite possibility

“The opportunities for infinite possibility exist no matter what age we are.” Marianne Williamson

Keep this in mind when it comes to seeing what possibilities exist in your life.

I have a complex, yet simple exercise for you to do:

  • Can you count the number of possibilities that have existed in your life from birth to right now?

Do not feel bad if you cannot count up all of the possibilities. To be able to count up the total number of possibilities you have had since birth would be impossible because that number is truly infinite. It may not seem like it when you are looking at where you are now and the situation that you are in, but the reality is that right now, there is infinite possibilities for you to do something to improve and change your life.

Today’s inspiration is all about you seeing that right now, you have the opportunity for infinite possibility in your life. In order to do this, you have to look at what is stopping you from seeing and taking advantage of this moment. In addition, you are going to need tools to help you see and take advantage of your opportunity for infinite possibility.

What is keeping you from seeing and taking advantage of your opportunities for infinite possibility right now?

There are a variety of factors that can prevent you from taking advantage of your opportunities for infinite possibility at this stage in your life. Here are three facts for you to consider:

  1. The infinite possibility of you doing something that can change and improve your life will remain infinite whether or not you can see and recognize it.

  2. If you let the negativity of yourself and other people get in the way, you will never recognize and take advantage of the infinite possibility that is in front of you.

  3. If you put limits on what you think are your possibilities due to past experiences, then there will be limits on what you are able to do and achieve today and tomorrow.

You do not want yourself or anyone else coming between you and the infinite possibility that exists in your life.



Are the possibilities for you to become successful truly infinite?

The possibility here for you to become successful is infinite. Here are three more facts to consider regardless of what your thought process may be at time:

  1. The possibilities to be successful was infinite yesterday.

  2. The possibilities to be successful is infinite today.

  3. The possibilities to be successful will be infinite tomorrow.

All things are possible, so if you choose to be successful, the possibilities for you to be that way will be there. You just have to choose and do the things necessary for you to become successful and take advantage of that possibility that exists.

Image result for infinite opportunities

What are five things you must need in order to take advantage of your opportunities for infinite possibility?

If you are going to take advantage of your opportunities for infinite possibility, you are going to need some important things in order be prepared. Once you are prepared and can see them, the decision to take advantage of the opportunities for infinite possibility will be up to you.

  1. Let go of your heavy baggage.

    • Let go of the people, things, and experience that is holding you down and back from looking at the full spectrum of what is before you.
    • Letting go of that heavy baggage will free you up to move towards the infinite possibility without any resistance or hesitation.
  2. Do not let your past failures and limitations guide you.

    • Leave your past where they belong in the past, and let today be the new beginning that you need to start your road to success.
    • When you do not let your past failures and limitations guide you, you start to believe that anything is possible.
  3. Use your affirmations to your advantage.

    • Continue to write and speak your affirmation statements to succeed daily into the world until you it mentally resides inside of you and you are actually following through on your affirmations.
    • Using your affirmations will let yourself and the world know what you are trying to do, and through that, you will start to see things start to fall in place for you to become successful over time.
  4. Get a good support group.

    • Find you friends, family, and other people who can provide you with the guidance, motivation, and inspiration necessary to help you see and take advantage of the opportunities for infinite possibility whenever they show up.
    • A good support group can make the difference between you taking advantage of your opportunities and you missing out on the chance to live and have a better life.
  5. Look forward and not backwards.

    • Keep your eyes and ears focused at all times on seeing and hearing what the world has to present to you in terms of the opportunities of the infinite possibility that exists in front of you.
    • If you look backwards, you will miss out on seeing and hearing the opportunities that are meant for you at just the right time.

Once you have the five things down, you will be prepared to do the most important thing when it comes down to taking advantage of your opportunities for infinite possibility: JUST DO IT!



Let’s remember that no matter how old you are and what are you going through, the possibility for infinite possibility for you to be the best and reach your potential is up to you recognize, see, and take advantage of.

I want to share with you Marianne Williamson’s interview with Oprah Winfrey where she talks about how we can reach our full potential at any age. I encourage you to see the clip below because once you realize what you have spiritually inside of you regardless of your situation and age, the possibilities for you to achieve success is infinite.


In addition to the video, I encourage you to take a look at your life right now and ask yourself the following four questions:

  1. Do I know what my opportunities for infinite possibilities?

  2. What has been or is holding me back from seeing and taking advantage of my opportunities for infinite possibilities?

  3. What am I willing to do to prepare myself to see and take advantage of my opportunities for infinite possibilities when the time comes?

  4. When the time comes, am I willing to truly take advantage and do what it takes to achieve success knowing that I have infinite possibilities?

In answering these questions, you can begin to find out where you are and what you need to do in order to see and take advantage of your infinite possibilities. Your answers can also help someone else figure out how to accomplish the same thing for his or her respective life.


I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

9 thoughts on “What Are Five Things You Must Need In Order To Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities For Infinite Possibility?

  1. A good support group is a must. Everyone in your life isn’t meant to be in all of your support groups either. I had to learn that as I took on blogging as a business. People that I thought would encourage me were the exact ones pulling me down. But, by refusing to look back and keeping my eyes forward I’m striving for the prize.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your comment and insight Preschool2teen! A good support group does take some time to form and keep, and I am happy that you have found a good group to keep you grounded. I can see where you are successful and doing great things. I am truly a fan of what you have done and where you are going!


  2. I am so glad I came across this post. It was truly inspirational. Change and success doesn’t happen overnight but we have multiple opportunities we can take everyday to lead towards our goals. The options are limitless! A strong support system is crucial too. Followed! Keep up the good work. Please check out my response to the prompt and let me know what you think! https://onemoreshotplease.com/2017/01/09/animal-shelter-ootd/

    Liked by 1 person

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