The Promise Challenge: Can You Make Yourself A Promise For Today?


“The worst promise you can break is the one you make to yourself.” -David Kirsch

 Today, I want to challenge, inspire, and motivate you to keep a promise to the most important person in your life…YOURSELF!

What are the rules of the challenge?

The Promise Challenge comes with four rules, which are:

  1. Pick one promise that you want to keep to yourself today.
  2. Keep that promise to the best of your ability.
  3. Inspire and encourage at least one person to keep a promise to himself or herself.


How can you keep a promise to yourself?

If you are needing help with this challenge, I can provide you five steps to help you keep a promise to yourself today:

  1. Find you a promise that you know you can keep.
    • Come up with a promise that is easy and simple for you to accomplish.
    • Let the promise be something that is realistic and practical.
  2. Have a plan on how you are going to keep your promise.
    • Research and gather the information and people needed to help you execute your promise.
    • Be prepared to give yourself options in case you run into any difficulties.
  3. Put into action your plan to keep your promise.
    • Move forward with your plan and do whatever it takes to keep your promise.
    • Do not let anyone or anything keep you from fulfilling your promise.
  4. Give yourself the time required to keep your promise.
    • Give yourself the time needed to fulfill your promise from start to finish.
    • Avoid rushing and procrastinating when it comes to keeping your promise.
  5. Complete and celebrate keeping your promise.
    • Make sure you finish and recognize what you have done as far as keeping your promise goes.
    • Do not be ashamed to let the world know how keeping that promise has affected your life through your words and actions.


What are the benefits towards keeping a promise to yourself?

Keeping a promise to yourself can prove to be beneficial to yourself and everyone else affected by your promises. Here are three ways it can be beneficial:

  1. It can build confidence in yourself.
    • Knowing that you can make and keep a promise can build confidence in your abilities to do it again.
    • A person who has confidence through keeping their promise will show it in everything that they think, say, and do.
  2. It allows for you to become trustworthy.
    • When you can keep your promise to yourself or anyone else, it provides everyone the opportunity to trust your words and actions.
    • A person who is trustworthy is seen as reliable and dependable.
  3. You become a role model to other people. 
    • In making and keeping your promise, you become an example for other people to follow as to how to do it.
    • When you become a role model in showing other people how to keep promises, it allows for the world to keep their promises one promise at a time.


What promise will I keep to myself?

My promise to myself today and everyday is to inspire at least one person. If I can inspire one person through my posts, my social media sites, or even in person, I am doing my part to make someone smile and feel good about their day and life.


It’s time for you to make and keep a promise to yourself today!

Let me know what promise you kept today to yourself and how did you do it!

Can you make yourself a promise for today?

If you have not had a chance to participate in my other five challenges, please feel free to check them out below and participate:

-Michael J. Fite

I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

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