What Are Five Things You Can Do To Deal With Your Own Personal Storm?


“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” -Unknown

Keep this in mind whenever you find yourself trying to decide whether to be passive or active in the midst of the storms in your life.

When the storms of your life come, you have two options:

  1. Wait for the storm to pass.
  2. Do something while it is raining.

This decision is not as easy as it looks because each time the storms come, it brings different elements that can try to test you in many ways.

Today’s inspiration is about getting you ready to handle your personal storm. In doing so, we will look at what makes you ready so that you can apply the tips needed to deal with any personal storm you may face.

What makes you strong enough to handle the storm?

You have a lot of qualities that make you strong and tough enough to handle whatever personal storm you may go through. I want to share three big things that I know makes you strong and tough enough to do just that:

  1. You have survived your past personal storms.
    • You are still standing here as living proof that you are a survivor.
  2. Your knowledge from past personal storms.
    • Although each storm you have faced have been different, your ability to survive has taught you things that you can use to face any storm you may face in the future.
  3. When you are determined about conquering something, you will do it!
    • When you do not want your personal storms keep you sad and down, you will do whatever it takes to ensure that you make it through to better days.

No matter what the storm may be, you have the qualities that will get you ready deal with it!

Image result for storms

What are five things you can do to deal with your own personal storm?

Regardless of how different your personal storms may be, there are five things you can do to handle whatever personal storm you may be going through:

  1. Use your past experiences for tips.
    • Do not be afraid to recall on your past experiences to find things that can help you deal with a current or future personal storm.
  2. Use your support system.
    • Call upon your support system of family, friends, associates, and even people who have been through what you have been through to help keep you mentally and physically remain tough during everything that you may in your personal storm.
  3. Pray or meditate.
    • Use your prayer or meditation time to calm down and relieve yourself of the pressures that come with the personal storm.
  4. Have faith and patience.
    • When you feel things getting tough, just trust in your abilities, resources, and knowledge so that you can keep your cool.
  5. Do not give up!
    • Keep fighting and let your determination show because the moment you give up, the storm will take over your mood and energy.

If you do these five things, you can endure the rain and overcome any personal storm you may ever face in your life.


Let’s remember that storms last longer when you wait for them to pass, but they end sooner when you learn deal with them as they are happening.

In the questions section, I have a few questions to ask you in which I would love for your to give some thought. Feel free to answer and comment below:

  1. What was your most memorable personal storm to date?
  2. What made that personal storm challenging in your life?
  3. How were you able to overcome that personal storm?
  4. How has that personal storm changed your life moving forward?
  5. Looking back on that moment, would you have done anything different and why?
  6. What would you recommend to someone who may be going through their own personal storm?

Your answers and comments can help yourself or someone else deal with any personal storm that may happen moving forward.


I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

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