What Are Three Steps Towards Controlling Your Fierceness?


“Fierceness is like a gun. If a person does not know how to use or control it, the person becomes negligent, misses the target goal, and hurts himself and other people. If a person learns and knows how to control and use it, the person becomes controlled, hits the target goal, and helps himself and everyone around him.” -Michael J. Fite

Keep this in mind whenever you think about the power of controlling your fierceness.

It is widely encouraged online and in life to be fierce in all that we do, but sometimes, people can take it a little too far, and it lands them in trouble simply because they do not know how to use it to their advantage. Let’s take a look at the following three questions:

  1. What does it mean to be fierce?

  2. What are three ways that being fierce can go wrong?

  3. What are three steps towards controlling your fierceness?

Now that we have the questions, let’s find the answers!

What does it mean to be fierce?

Merriam-Webster defines fierce as:

  • Very violent.

  • Eager to fight or kill.

  • Having or showing a lot of strong emotion : very strong or intense.

Being fierce is something that is very powerful that can light a fire under a person or even give them a jolt of energy.


What are three ways that being fierce can go wrong?

As good as being fierce can be for us in accomplishing our goals, it can also hurt us when we do not control our fierceness. Here are three ways in which a lack of control in our fierceness can cause damage.

  1. Our emotional and mental lack of control.

    • Being too fierce with emotions can sometimes cause a person to think, do, and say things that can be offensive or harmful to another person.
    • When this happens, a person can tend to think, do, and say things without caring about the effects it can have on other people or things.
  2. Our bad choice of words.

    • Being too fierce with language sometimes can cause a person to use demeaning or negative language towards someone.
    • When this happens, a person can tend to offend other people and either cause other people to avoid or fight him or her.
  3. Our poor choice of physical actions.

    • Being too fierce with physical action sometimes can cause a person to use more physical strength and force than necessary to accomplish something.
    • When this happens, a person can tend to cause physical and emotional damage to someone or something.
    • In addition, it can also land a person in legal trouble for hurting someone or damaging something.

When we are not in control of our fierceness, we become dangerous to ourselves and onto other people.


What are three steps towards controlling your fierceness?

Fierceness is something that you must control if you are going to wisely use it to your advantage. Here are three steps you can take towards controlling your fierceness and achieving your goals.

  1. Stop and think about why you are being so fierce.

    • Take a moment to understand why you have the fire that is inside of you to think, say, or do something to someone or something.
    • When you do this, you understand better why the fire is there and it prevents you from doing or saying something that could cause damage.
  2. Have a plan for your fierceness.

    • Develop a plan for how you plan to keep control of the fire and energy so that you do not scare, harm, or hurt someone or something along the way to success.
    • When you do this, you give yourself a guide towards learning how to use your fierceness to your advantage without offending anyone or anything else.
  3. Put your plan into action and be in control of yourself.

    • Take action and use your fierceness in a manner that allows for you to be strong and powerful when you need to be while being calm and reserved in the other areas.
    • When you do this, you are able to show self-control and it allows for you to effectively achieve your goals without harming and offending a lot of people along the way.

When you understand how to control your fierceness, you can effectively accomplish your goals without causing a great deal of damage.


I encourage you to look at your fierceness for a moment and think about how it fuels and drives you to do what you do. Are you in control of your fierceness or does your fierceness runs wild and out of control? It is important to know this because it will determine whether or not you have self-control when it comes to your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. Let’s remember that when your fierceness runs out of control, you hurt yourself and everyone else, but when you are in control of your fierceness, you help yourself and other people along the way towards achieving success.


I have four questions to ask you in which I would love for you to give some thought. Feel free to answer and comment below.

  1. How fierce are you when it comes to your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions?

  2. Do you find yourself in control of your fierceness, do your fierceness runs you?

    1. If you are in control of your fierceness, how do you control it?

    2. If your fierceness runs you, why do you let it?

  3. How has your fierceness helped you to accomplish your goals?

  4. What would you recommend to other people about being fierce?

Your answers and comments can help yourself or someone else understand that when you are in control of your fierceness, you have the power to achieve your goals and dreams.


I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

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