How Can You Find What Is Beneath Your Surface In Three Steps?


“Beneath the surface, there is a deeper reason for what is going on in your life right now.” -Karen Berg

Keep this in mind whenever you cannot make sense of what is going on in your life.

Even though you may not see why you are experiencing what you are going through on the surface, there is a deeper meaning that is awaiting on you to catch up and understand why.

Today’s inspiration is all about you finding what is beneath your surface. We will take a look at the following three questions:

  1. What is the surface?

  2. What are four issues that come with going beneath the surface?

  3. How can you find what is beneath your surface in three steps?

Now that we have the questions, let’s find the answers.

What is the surface?

Merriam-Webster defines surface as:

  1. An outside part or layer of something.

  2. The upper layer of an area of land or water.

  3. The flat, top part of something (such as a table or desk) that you can work on.

The surface can give us a view or a place to start or see something.


What are four issues that comes with going beneath the surface?

Melanie Koulouris sums up the issue on her website, Positive and Inspirational Quotes.

“So many people are only willing to touch the surface levels of life. They are afraid to be awaken to the truth. Staying limited to only what they know rather what they are capable of. Becoming trapped in a state of fear and ego. Ignoring their intuitive compass.” –Melanie Koulouris

This statement represents what the surface means to most people. The surface represents our current knowledge, fears, and ego. Beneath that surface is our untapped capabilities, capabilities, and the truth. Let’s dig beneath the surface of Melanie’s quote in order to gain a deeper understanding:

  1. Becoming afraid of becoming awaken to the truth.

    • A person may not want to know what facts may exist below the surface because it could ruin what they already know to be true since birth.
    • When a person is afraid of becoming awaken to the truth, they can put up facades and walls that will keep them from having to leave what they already know.
  2. Staying limited to what they know rather than what they are capable of.

    • A person does not want to open up to the unknown to see their potential because of the fear of failing or becoming unsuccessful.
    • When a person chooses to stay limited to what they know rather than what they are capable of, they will never know their full potential and unlimited possibilities.
  3. Becoming trapped in a state of fear and ego.

    • A person may use their ego to put on a facade or a front to keep people from seeing and experiencing the fear that exists on the inside.
    • When a person becomes trapped in their fears and ego, they can become shielded and guarded from anything and anyone that may try to expose them.
  4. Ignoring the intuitive compass.

    • A person may choose not to listen to that inner voice of reason to dig deeper into the unknown.
    • When a person chooses to ignore their intuitive compass, they find themselves wondering and becoming misguided.

Most people would prefer to stay above the surface because it is where the comfort zone exists, but when they stay there, they miss out on a lot. When they decide to go beneath the surface, they will see that there is more to themselves and life than what meets the eye.

Red Sea coral1

How can you find what is beneath your surface in three steps?

What is beneath your surface will remain a mystery to you unless you are willing to understand it better. Underneath the surface of the issues are the answers that you seek. Here are three steps to help you get there.

  1. Let go of your current knowledge, fear, and ego.

    • When you let go of your current knowledge, you allow for new lessons to enter into your life.
    • When you let go of your fears, you allow for confidence to come into power you up.
    • When you let go of your ego, you let in new ideas and resources that can help you figure out the answers.
  2. Go on a self-discovery.

    • When you go on a self-discovery, you start to find out things about yourself that you may not have thought existed.
    • Your self-discovery will reveal the true meaning behind what you are going through.
  3. Once you understand the deeper meaning, let it change your life.

    • The deeper meaning can change your life for the better if you allow for it to take control and shape you.
    • When you let it change your life, it can unlock new doors in your life and add the wisdom you need to deal with new challenges and succeed in life.

When you do all of this, you will rise from the ground and above the surface as a new person ready to achieve greater heights in life.


I encourage you to take the time to go below the surface of your situations to get the answers you seek. The answers are there waiting for you to come and get them, but you cannot let your current knowledge, fear, and ego get in the way. When you go and get them, you can rise out from the situation a new and better person than before. Let’s remember that the surface only tells a part of the story. In order to get the rest of the story, you got to go beneath the surface to get the answers.


I have five questions for you to answer and give them some thought. Feel free to answer and comment below.

  1. Have you ever had a situation that you had to go beneath your surface?

  2. What made you decide to go beneath your surface?

  3. How did you go beneath your surface to get your answers?

  4. How did the answers beneath the surface affected and changed your life?

  5. What would you recommend to someone who is consider going beneath their own surface to find their answers?

These answers can help someone or even yourself realize that going beneath the surface can reveal the answers needed to gain a full understanding of what is going on around you.


I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

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