What Are Six Tips Towards You Getting The Full Value Out Of The Person Or Thing That You Are Receiving?

“When receiving someone or something, do not focus solely on the appearance and receive the physical value, but instead focus on the meaning and purpose so that you can get the full value.”-Michael J. Fite

Keep this in mind whenever you are receiving someone or something in your life.

Daily, you are guaranteed to receive at least one person or thing daily in your life. You have no way of knowing who or what you will receive, but rest assured you are going to get someone or something whether or not you want it in your life. In these situations, you have two options:

  1. Accept
  2. Reject

The decision that you make in these situations not only affect you, but also affects the following:

  1. The person who is giving you that person or thing.
  2. The person or item that you are receiving.

The goal of today’s inspiration is to get you to understand who or what it is that you are receiving and how to get the full value. This may not be easy if you are solely focusing on the appearance, but if you are willing to see beyond the appearance, then it should be no problem for you to receive the full value of the person or thing that you are receiving.

What is wrong with the person or thing that you are receiving in your life right now?

This is an important question that needs to be answered by you and only you. Depending on who or what you are receiving, the reasons why you may dislike, reject, or return that person or thing can vary. Here are three facts that can guide you with finding the answer to why you do not like the person or thing that you are receiving in your life right now:

  1. Whomever or whatever you are receiving right now is given to you for a particular reason or purpose.
  2. Your perception of who or what you are receiving right now can affect the impact and value that the person or thing can have in your life.
  3. In focusing on whatever is wrong with that person or thing you are currently receiving, you are missing out on seeing the advantages and benefits of having that person or thing in your life.

Just because you thing that a person or thing that you are receiving is wrong does not mean it cannot benefit your life. In the moments that you think that person or thing is wrong, those are the same times where that same person or thing can be a true blessing to your life.

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How come you are constantly receiving people and things that you are not always wanting?

This is also another important question that you must answer if you are constantly finding yourself receiving people and things that either you are not asking for or wanting in your life. Depending on who or what you are receiving, the reasons here can also vary. Here are three additional facts to consider that can help you answer why it seems like you keep receiving people and things you do not want in your life:

  1. You cannot always control when and how you receive the people and things that come into your life.
  2. You attract the people and things that you receive through your thoughts, actions, appearance, and language.
  3. The people and things that you receive are meant just for you, whether you like it or not.

The reality is that you are going to keep on receiving people and things regardless of how feel and think.

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What will happen when you focus on understanding the meaning and purpose behind who or what is given to you?

Focusing on the meaning and purpose behind who or what you are receiving is like seeing underneath the iceberg. When you go deeper into who or what is given to you to find the meaning and purpose, you can properly understand and apply the person or thing in your life to get the full value. Here are three more facts that can shed light on this very thing:

  1. Every person or thing that you receive has its proper place in your life.
  2. Understanding who or what you are receiving will allow for you to let that person or thing serve its purpose and meaning to you without you rejecting or interfering.
  3. The full value that comes from that person or thing that you receive benefits not just yourself, but also benefits everyone and everything around you.

You can see that the full value is something that come with letting that person or thing serve its meaning or purpose in your life.

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This next question will offer up some tips to help you focus on getting the full value out of the person or thing that you are receiving.

What are six tips towards you getting the full value out of the person or thing that you are receiving?

If you are going to get the full value out of the person or thing that you are receiving, then I have a few tips that help you accomplish this very thing:

  1. Do not be quick to judge a book by its cover.
    • Do not let your standards or expectations get in the way of receiving the full value of the person or thing coming into your life.
  2. Have an open mind towards accepting the person or thing.
    • Develop an open mind by using personal affirmations to train and remind yourself to not quickly pass judgement on the person or thing that you are receiving.
  3. Accept and understand.
    • When you receive the person or thing, get to know and understand their purpose and meaning through asking questions and doing research in the proper places.
  4. Let that person or thing serve its purpose and meaning.
    • This can be accomplished by you standing back, letting them work, and not thinking, saying, or doing anything that can negatively affect the roles of the people and things you are receiving.
  5. Allow for other people to benefit.
    • By you sharing the results and showing people how that person or thing positively impacted you, other people will be inspired and encouraged to openly receive people and things into their own lives.
  6. Remember to give thanks.
    • Do not forget to give thanks to your higher power and/or the person who gave you the person or thing so that they all feel good and can appreciate your gratitude.

If you apply these six tips, I am confident that you will be able to get the full value out of any person or things that you are receiving now and will receive in the future.

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Let’s remember that you are always going to receive someone or something that can impact your life, but it is you that ultimately determines if that person or thing will do it in a positive or negative manner.

In the question section, I want you to give some serious thought to the questions above and share your answers below. Your answers and insight can help yourself and other people understand that every person and thing that you receive in your life is there to positively impact you, but you have to understand why and how before you can use that person or thing in the right manner.


I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

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