What Are Four Things I Can Do To Find The Bright Side Of Bad Moments In My Life?


“I know that in life there will be sickness, devastation, disappointments, heartache-it’s a given. What’s not a given is the way you choose to get through it all. If you look hard enough, you can always find the bright side.” –Rashida Jones

Do keep this in mind whenever you find yourself going through hard times in your life.

When it comes to sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches, it is impossible for you to avoid them completely. At some point in your life, you will either have faced, is facing, or will face one or all of these things in your life.

I want to ask you three questions right now for you to give some thought to.

  1. How have you dealt with your sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches in the past?
  2. How do you deal with your sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches currently?
  3. How will you deal with your sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches in the future?

The answer to all three of these questions will vary depending on each individual circumstance. One fact that stands out is that how you choose to deal with each one, regardless of the time, will determine how it affects your life and the lives of those attached to your respective circumstance.

Today’s inspiration is all about understanding three simple questions:

  1. Why do these moments keep happening in my life?
  2. What makes me strong enough to endure these moments?
  3. What can I do to find the bright side of bad moments in my life?

If you can understand why they happen, you can start to look for ways to not only deal with them, but also overcome them whenever they come. Let’s get into the questions!

Why do these moments keep happening in my life?

If you find yourself asking this question, you are not alone because everyone has asked this question at least once in their life. Sometimes, the answer is simple. Other times, the answer is complex. The answers will vary depending on the moments and the circumstances attached to them. Here are three facts to help you begin to understand and answer for yourself why these moments seem to keep happening:

  1. The sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches that you have faced, is facing, and will face are in your life for the right reasons, whether you believe it or not.
  2. Just because you are facing such moments does not always mean you have done something wrong in your life.
  3. These moments are meant teach, test, and make you a better person as long as you are willing to deal with them.

As you can see, experiencing such moments is simply part of life, and no matter what you do to try to avoid them, they will still manage to find you when the time is right for you go through them.

business-man-feeling-downWhat makes me strong enough to deal with and endure such moments?

This may be a tough question for you to answer whenever you are in the midst of dealing with sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches, but the answer to this one is simple once you take a step back and look at what you have endured to get to this point. When you add it all up, you are truly one tough individual, and I personally admire the strength that you possess, whether you believe it or not. Here are three more facts to help you understand makes you strong enough to deal with such moments:

  1. You would not still be standing today if you had allowed yourself to cave in to all of the sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches that you have experienced in the past.
  2. Through your past experiences, you have gained the experience and knowledge to better deal with such moments.
  3. Your moments are unique and personalized for you to the point that the only person that can overcome them is YOU!

You have what it takes to overcome such moments in your life because you are still standing. If other people had to deal with your moments, they would probably have given up, but you are still here, so I know you can handle whatever sickness, devastation, disappointment, and heartache may come your way.

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What are four things I can do to find the bright side of bad moments in my life?

If you do not believe that sickness, devastation, disappointment, and heartache does not have a bright side, then think again:

  1. These moments do not last forever.
  2. These moments come with lessons that can help you have a better situation and life.
  3. How you deal with these moments can be inspiration and motivation to someone else who may be facing such moments in their own life.

If you are needing help finding the bright side of these moments, here are four things that will help you accomplish this very thing.

  1. Change your mind.
  • Instead of thinking negative about the sickness, devastation, disappointment, and heartache that you are facing, let it go and replace those thoughts with optimism.
  • This can be done using your affirmations and meditation.
  1. Open your mind.
  • Instead of closing off your mind whenever you are experiencing these moments, keep it open and allow for the moments to test and teach you lessons to become stronger and overcome.
  • This can be done by you standing firm and just paying attention to what is happening around you.
  1. Pray and/or meditate.
  • Take the time to pray and/or meditate to spiritually stay focused on getting through the tough situation that is in front of you.
  • You can do both at any time and whenever you need it.
  1. Find the right people.
  • Having the right people can help you see and get through such moments so that you can get to the bright side.
  • This can be done by you finding people who have had success dealing with such moments and/or can be there to support you whenever you are going through such moments.

I am sure you can find other ways, but these four simple ways can help you find the bright side to whatever you may be going through in your life.

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Let’s remember that to everything that you are going through, there is a silver lining and a bright side to things, and as long as you are mentally, spiritually, and physically focused, you will be able to see it and overcome whatever you may be going through.

For the questions, I want to reintroduce the three questions from earlier in the post, and I want you to give some thought to them now that you have read today’s thought. Feel free to comment and answer below:

  1. How have you dealt with your sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches in the past?
  2. How do you deal with your sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches currently?
  3. How will you deal with your sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches in the future?

Your answers to these questions can help yourself or someone else understand how to be able to handle sickness, devastation, disappointments, and heartaches in his/her life. Granted, there is not a magic solution to dealing with these moments, but the more knowledge and tools that you gain through experience and interacting with people, you become better equipped to handle them and see the bright side to whatever you are going through.


I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

3 thoughts on “What Are Four Things I Can Do To Find The Bright Side Of Bad Moments In My Life?

  1. Great post, Michael.

    Handling the tough moments in life is a really important skill. Bad things are an unfortunate part of the human experience, but you can learn to cope with them. I think you did a good job of pointing out several useful techniques, as well as the right mindset.

    Liked by 1 person

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