What Are Five Steps Towards Letting Your Desire To Succeed Overcome Your Failures?


“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” -Og Mandino

Keep this in mind when it comes to you determining what you will allow failure to do in your life.

Failure is something that everyone has experienced at least one time in life. When faced with failure, there are two options:

  1. You can get up and either try again or move forward.
  2. You can stay down and either quit or go back to your comfort zone.

Your decision will determine how successful you will become in anything that you do.

Inside of you is that determination to succeed. If you are looking for help and guidance, either through this post or through any other means, you are proof that you are not wanting failure to overtake your life. Let’s answer some questions to find out how you can ensure failure does not get the best of you.

What can make failure get the best of you in your efforts to succeed?

Failure can get the best of anyone, including you, anytime and anyplace. Here are three facts to consider:

  1. Failure cannot control your efforts unless you allow it to do so.
  2. If you plan to fail, you will likely experience failure.
  3. If you decide to quit or give up, then failure will overtake your determination to succeed.

Failure has the power to defeat you, but you also have the power to defeat failure. The choice is up to you.


What will happen when you let your desire to succeed overcome your failures?

When you are wanting to let your desire to succeed overcome your failures, you are making a statement to the world that you are still determined to fight for what you want and achieve success. Here are three additional facts that you need to know:

  1. Your desire to succeed will make you look at failures as opportunities to learn and make adjustments.
  2. Your desire to succeed will make you look at the glass half-full versus half-empty.
  3. Your desire to succeed will keep you going when other people cannot do it for you.

Despite not knowing the actual outcome, your desire to succeed will always ensure that you are willing to bounce back from your failure to keep going.


If you are needing guidance with how to let your desire to succeed overcome your failures, this next question will provide you with some steps to help you do so.

What are five steps towards letting your desire to succeed overcome your failures?

You have to the power to let your desire to succeed overcome your failures. Here are a few ways you can make it happen.

  1. Accept that failures are going to happen.
    • If you know that you are going to experience failures at various points, you will be better prepared for them versus getting caught off guard by them unexpectedly.
  2. Use the failures respectively as teaching tools.
    • See each failure as opportunities to identify issues and come up with a game plan that will help you avoid making the mistake again
  3. Get back up when you are ready.
    • When you are done with dealing with the failure, learn to get back up and not let the failure have the victory.
  4. Try again with your adjustments.
    • Apply your adjustments and take another shot at overcoming the failure that occurred.
  5. Move forward and do not look back.
    • Move on from the failure, continue to let your desire to succeed overpower your failures, and do not give thought to your past failures.

If you apply these five steps in your life, you will continue to let your desire to succeed carry you on to achieve whatever you want in your life.


Let’s remember that as long as you let your desire to succeed overcome your failures, nobody or nothing can stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.

In the question section, I want you to give some serious thought to the questions above and share your answers and comments below. Your answers and insight can help yourself and other people understand that no failure that you have or will face in life will triumph as long as you your desire to succeed remains stronger than any of your failures.


I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

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