How Can You Stump For What You Believe In Four Steps?


“In life, if you do not know how to stump with good intentions and include people, nobody will follow your beliefs and ideas for change.” Michael J. Fite

Keep this in mind when you are faced with a situation that gives you a chance to make a difference. You have great power and can bring attention and change to any issue or injustice, but how you choose to go about it can determine if it will be for the best or for the worst.

Today’s inspiration is all about showing you how to stump the right way for what you believe in. In order to do this, we will look at the following questions:

  • What does it mean to stump?

  • What are two ways stumping can go wrong?

  • How can you stump for what you believe in four steps?

  • What are three powerful benefits to stumping?

Now that we have our questions, let’s find the answers!

What does it mean to stump?

Merriam-Webster at first did not give me high hopes when it presented me with this first definition because it did not look flattering:

  • To walk heavily or clumsily.

In reading some more, Merriam-Webster provided another definition that positively fits this post:

  • To go about making political speeches or supporting a cause.

If you stump correctly, you can truly make a difference in whatever you do.


What are two ways stumping can go wrong?

If you are not careful when you stump, there are two main ways it can go wrong:

  1. When you say and do things to offend people.

    • It is one thing to speak your mind and support a cause, but it is one thing when it starts to negatively affect a person and his or her way of life.
    • This where the First Amendment of the US Constitution does have a major flaw because although you have the right to say and do what you want, you must be mindful of the unknown consequences that come from your actions verbally or physically.
    • When you say and do things that offend a person, it can lead to resistance, violence, and possibly death.
  2. When you are not careful with your movement.

    • You may have an idea about how you are going to handle your steps, but when it comes out disorganized or destructive, it can be hard for people to follow you.
    • Being too clumsy or heavy with your steps shows a lack of control over your movements, which can scare and confuse people.
    • It can lead to people getting out of your way, but you are more likely not to have people follow and support you in your causes.


How can you stump for what you believe in four steps?

Here is the four step process if you want to stump for what you believe:

  1. Do your homework.

    • It is important to know what you are doing and why you are doing it so that you are informed.
    • Take the time to do your research through asking questions, reading and watching relative information online or in books, and even visiting places that can help you understand your cause.
    • Doing the homework can prepare you for the cause that you want to seek to take on.
  2. Involve people.

    • Movements need people in order to spread the word and get the cause out to other people.
    • Give people the opportunity to find places and roles inside of your movement through collaboration and sharing ideas.
    • When people are involved in your moment, they are willing to help you spread your beliefs among people they know which can spread like a wildfire.
  3. Avoid offending and harming people to the best of your ability.

    • This may be the hardest thing to do because you never know what effect your beliefs may have upon someone or something until you actually say and act upon them.
    • You can try to avoid offending and harming people by communicating and actively look for ways to find common ground versus remaining resistant to change.
    • Also look at opportunities to find peace and show respect to people and their stances without condemning them in the process.
    • When you avoid offending and harming people, you stand a chance to find allies to help you versus enemies who can hurt you.
  4. Utilize social and media outlets.

    • Social media and media outlets are very vital to spreading your beliefs and movement because of two things:
      1. It can quickly spread what you say and do around the world.
      2. It can reach more people than any form of communication.
    • Take advantage of your social and medial outlets by posting information that can put your beliefs and movement n the spotlight for people to see.
    • When you utilize your social and media outlets, you will be able to reach and impact the world quickly and efficiently with your belief and movement.


What are three powerful benefits to stumping?

Here are three powerful benefits when you stump for what you believe in:

  1. You bring attention to issues that matter to you and others.

    • This is a great opportunity to start dialogue on an issue that has not been explored in the past or present.
  2. You can encourage action and change in people and the world.

    • In having dialogue on the issues, you can promote to the world the ideas and/or steps required to cause positive change.
  3. You can leave behind a legacy and impact that can have an effect on the future.

    • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. showed America how to stump for Civil Rights. His actions were vital in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. His impact is still felt today  and will continue to be felt in the future in the United States through various laws aimed at creating equality for all minorities in America.
    • Just like Dr. King, the things you are stumping for can impact people and effect people beyond just today.

If you decide to stump correctly for what you believe in, you have the opportunity to make the world a better place.


I encourage you to take a look at the beliefs that you have. I am sure you have ideas to make the world a better place, but it comes back to what you are willing to stump about and how you are choosing to go about it. Let’s remember that the power to stump for change lies within you, and as long as you do what it takes to get the knowledge, include people, and utilize your resources, you can bring for your ideas to change the world for the better.


I want to share Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech with you because I want you to see that not all stumping you make requires you be harmful and destructive. You can use your words and stump the right way to make an impact on the world. Check out Dr. King’s speech below:

I have five questions to ask you in which I would love for you to give some thought. Feel free to comment and answer below:

  1. What was one issue you can recall stumping about that you believed in?

  2. What made you decide to about the issue?

  3. How did you go about stumping over the issue?

  4. What was the result of you stumping?

  5. What would you recommend to someone who is choosing to stump over something that they believe in?

Your answers and comments can help you or someone else to develop the strength and confidence to stump for what you believe in and make the world a better place.





I am a husband, father, life coach, motivator, and sailor wrapped into one guy with one mission in mind: To bring you the motivation and inspiration one post at a time!

17 thoughts on “How Can You Stump For What You Believe In Four Steps?

  1. This is an excellent post. The ideas are well presented and they are pertinent. I read every bit of it because it fits very well into what I am doing. I know that I get a few people hurt by the political views I express on the US election but at the same time I feel an obligation to help people make best choices in life for their good and the good of the world. Again, thank you for your excellently written post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Important post. Especially for those of us who blog as advocates. It’s easy to remember not to offend or hurt people. One aspect of the art of persuasion is winning over people whose opinions are misinformed.
    No one likes to be wrong so the art is persuasion is giving a person permission to be wrong.

    No one does it right 100 percent of the time.

    That’s why a post like this is so important.

    Liked by 1 person

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